Achieving your desired IELTS result is an important step in realising your dream of working or studying in a new country. 

Your IELTS test results will include an overall test score, with a band between 0 and 9. This scale helps organisations to understand your level of English. 

When you take the IELTS test, it’s important to understand what you need to do for each part and how the examiners will assess you.  

We’ve heard from you that you would like more information about how IELTS tests are assessed, particularly the Writing test. 

Discover our new video tutorials 

We’re excited to announce the launch of a new video series: How your IELTS Writing test is marked

When you take the IELTS test, we want to make sure that you’re as prepared as possible to achieve your best result. 

Our seven short videos explain how your writing is assessed. We also give you tips and examples, showing you how to get the score you need to thrive in your new life. 

Each video is 4-5 minutes and covers a different part of the IELTS Writing marking criteria.  

General introduction to IELTS Writing  

Learn about the IELTS Writing test and get an overview of what will be assessed. This video introduces the Writing tasks and marking criteria, which will be covered in more detail in the following videos.   

Task Achievement for Writing Task one – Academic 

Discover what to cover in your answer to this task. This video includes the selection and highlighting of key features as well as providing sufficient detail to illustrate these features. It also discusses using an appropriate format, presenting an overview and reporting information accurately. 

Task Achievement for Writing Task one – General Training 

Find out about the key areas to cover in your letter. This video discusses addressing the bullet points, explaining the purpose of the letter and using an appropriate format and tone.  

Task Response (Writing Task two) 

Learn about the key areas to cover in your essay. This video discusses writing in an appropriate format and providing a clear opening and position as well as a logical conclusion. It also emphasizes the importance of including relevant main ideas, which are extended and supported.  

Coherence and Cohesion  

Learn how the organisation of your information and ideas is assessed. This video covers paragraphing, logical sequencing within paragraphs, substitution, referencing and linking devices.  

Lexical Resource 

Discover how your vocabulary is assessed. This video covers topics like vocabulary range, precision, appropriacy and accuracy as well as spelling and word formation errors.  

Grammatical Range and Accuracy 

Learn how your grammar is assessed. This video covers sentence forms, grammatical errors and punctuation. 


Use the videos to support your IELTS preparation

In the series, you will: 

  • see writing samples from real test takers. 

  • find out what to include in your writing. 

  • learn what mistakes to avoid. 

  • discover how to improve your IELTS Writing score. 

Use these videos alongside our other IELTS preparation materials and discover how IELTS can help you succeed.  

Success starts here.

Watch How your IELTS Writing test is marked today.

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Achieve your visa, work, and study goals with IELTS. Find your closest test centre and book your test now.

About this Article

Published on 02 January, 2025

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