Introducing the IELTS Prepare by IDP : 10-part video podcast series.


A choice of two tests to better meet your needs

There are two tests available: IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training.

The test you choose should be based on what it is you want to do.

  • The IELTS Academic test is usually for entry into university.

  • The IELTS General Training test is used for work or migration purposes.

The organisation where you plan to work or study sets the requirements. So before you book your test, it is good to check which one is right for you. 

IELTS General Training

IELTS General Training tests your English language proficiency in a practical, everyday context. The tasks and tests reflect both workplace and social situations. IELTS is the only English test that provides General Training for migration purposes

 Take IELTS General Training if you want to: 

  • Migrate to New Zealand, Australia or another English-speaking country 

  • Get another job in your own country

  • Study or train below degree level 

  • Work in an English-speaking country 

Learn more about IELTS General Training 

IELTS Academic

You should do IELTS Academic for an academic environment. For example, studying at University. This test measures whether your level of English language proficiency at an academic level. It reflects aspects of academic language. Also, it helps to assess if you’re ready to begin your studies. 

Take IELTS Academic if you want to: 

  • Study at an undergraduate level or above 

  • Get a job that requires professional registration (for example, doctors, nurses, teachers or lawyers) 

Book IELTS Academic

IELTS is recognised by more than 12,000 universities and employers globally. It’s also recognised by professional bodies, immigration authorities and other government agencies.  Search New Zealand organisations who accept IELTS scores  

Book IELTS General Training or IELTS Academic now

Choose the right test for you

There are two IELTS tests to choose from, depending on your needs – IELTS Academic or IELTS General Training.

IELTS Academic

  • list?.image?.titleFor higher education or professional registration
  • list?.image?.titleAssesses your English-language proficiency at an academic level

IELTS General Training

  • list?.image?.titleFor migration, work, or secondary studies
  • list?.image?.titleDeveloped to test your every-day, non-academic English
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This video will give you a few tips to help find out which IELTS test is right for you. Get familiar with IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training.

IELTS Academic or General Training on computer 

You can do your IELTS Academic or your IELTS General Training test on a computer. This is the same test as paper-based IELTS. But, instead of writing your answers on paper, you type them on a computer. So, why would you do IELTS on computer? 

For almost 30 years, IELTS has been a paper-based English test that people have used to achieve their work, study and migration dreams. But you asked for more choice – and we’ve listened. Meet computer-delivered IELTS: the same IELTS test you know, delivered via computer, with multiple test sessions a day and fast results. 

What is computer-delivered IELTS? 


Ready to book your IELTS test?

With 15 IELTS test locations around New Zealand, it's easy to find an IELTS test venue in a location that suits you.