We’re glad that you found our post on 50 most commonly mispronounced words useful. Due to popular demand, we’ll be extending this to a series. We’re covering different categories, ranging from food to countries. This month, we’re going with brand names!
Some brand names are easier to pronounce than others. Most of us have probably mispronounced one brand name or another at some point. Language is tricky, as everything sounds right in your head until you say it out loud. And get funny looks.
There is a fix, and that is to know the words yourself.
Adobe: Uh-doe-bee
Adidas: Add-dee-dass
Allianz: Ali-ahntz
Amazon: Ama-zun
Anna Sui: Ah-na swee
Asus: A-seuss
Audi: O-dee
Aveda: Ah-vay-da
Badgley Mischka: Badge-lee meesh-kah
Balenciaga: Bah-len-see-ah-gah
Balmain: Bal-mah
Benetton: Bene-tawn
BMW: Bee-em-vee (the real German pronunciation)
Buick: Byue-ik
Burberry: bur-bur-ree
Bvlgari: Buhl-guh-ree
Chevrolet: Shev-ro-ley
Chopard: Shop-arr
Christian Dior: Kris-tyah dyohr
Christian Loubotin: Kris-tyah loo-boo-tan
Del Monte: Del mon-tay
Dolce & Gabbana: Dol-chey and gab-ana
Ermenegildo Zegna: Er-men-a-geel-do zane-ya
Givenchy: Jhee-von-shee
Godiva: Go-dee-vuh
Gucci: Goo-chi
Guerlain: Ger-lah
Hermes: Air-mez
Hoegaarden: Hoo-garden
Huawei: Wah-way
Hublot: Oo-blow
Hyundai: Hun-day
Ikea: Ih-kee-ah
Jean Paul Gaultier: Zhon paul go-tee-ay
Lamborghini: Lambor-gee-nee
Lancia: Lan-cha
Lanvin: Lanh-vahn
Laphroiag: La-froyg
Louis Vuitton: Loo-ee we-taahn
Mercedes-Benz: Mur-say-dees-bens
Miele: Meal-uh
Miu Miu: Mew mew
Mont Blanc: Mon-blank
Moschino: Mos-key-no
Nike: Nigh-key
Nutella: New-tell-uh
Peugeot: Poo-zho
Piaget: Pee-ah-jay
Pierre Cardin: Pee-air car-dohn
Porsche: Porshaa
Renault: Re-no
Salvatore Ferragamo: Sal-vah-tor-re fer-ra-gah-moh
Samsung: Sam-song
Schwarzkopf: Shwartz-kof
Sega: See-ga
Shu Uemura: Shoe-oo eh-moo-rah
Sriracha: See-rotch-ah
Stella Artois: Steh-la arr-twa
Tag Heuer: Tag-hoy-yer
Versace: Vur-sah-chay
Volkswagen: Foaks-vaa-gun
Yves Saint Laurent: Eve-sanh la-rahn
Zara: Dzah-rah
Volkswagen: Foaks-vaa-gun
Yves Saint Laurent: Eve-sanh la-rahn
Zara: Dzah-rah
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