Introducing the IELTS Prepare by IDP : 10-part video podcast series.


Names with unfamiliar cultural and historical influences have become an absolute challenge to pronounce. Even for the most accomplished linguists (a person who studies and may speak different languages), phonation is full of confusing rules, especially in place names. 

This month, check out our pronunciation guide of UK place names to improve your travel IQ and find inspiration for your next great British adventure! 

  • Hunstanton – Hun-ston 

  • Worcestershire – Woos-ter-sher 

  • Marylebone – Mar-lee-bone 

  • Durham – Dur-um 

  • Beaulieu – Bew-lee 

  • Bicester – Bister 

  • The River Thames – The River Temz 

  • Gateacre – Gatt-a-ker 

  • Leicester – Less-ter 

  • Gloucestershire – Glos-ter-sher 

  • Edinburgh – Ed-in-burr-a 

  • Holborn – Ho-burn 

  • Mousehole – Mow-zel 

  • Bournemouth – Born-muth 

  • Plymouth – Pli-muth 

  • Alnwick – Ann-ick 

  • Blackley – Blay-kli 

  • Cleobury – Kli-beri 

  • Elham – I-lem 

  • Leominster – Lems-ter 

Source: Wikipedia, Instagram