For over 35 years, IELTS has been helping millions of people worldwide thrive.

More than just a test, IELTS is about feeling confident in your studies and career, and truly belonging in the communities you call home. From ordering a coffee to building meaningful connections, IELTS opens doors to real-world success - no matter where your journey takes you.

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Why choose IELTS?

Success Starts Here

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Join the millions who have transformed their dreams into reality with IELTS. It’s not just about arriving; it’s about thriving in your studies, career, and at life itself. Choose IELTS. Success starts here!

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Why IELTS is the trusted choice

35 years of English testing experience. More than 4 million tests taken worldwide.

Worldwide Recognition

  • list?.image?.title12,500 organisations worldwide in more than 150 countries accept IELTS.
  • list?.image?.titleIELTS is used around the world for a variety of purposes, including for work, study, and migration.
  • list?.image?.titleIELTS is the only test recognised by select professional industries for registration.

Your IELTS, your choice

  • list?.image?.titleThere are two IELTS tests to choose from, depending on your needs – IELTS Academic or IELTS General Training.
  • list?.image?.titleChoose which format you’re more comfortable with – IELTS on paper or IELTS on computer.
  • list?.image?.titleIf you are planning to take an English test for the UK, you can take IELTS UKVI or IELTS Life Skills A1 or B1.

IELTS One Skill Retake

  • list?.image?.titleIELTS is the only major English test to offer One Skill Retake.
  • list?.image?.titleRetake one skill of the IELTS test without having to take a full test to improve your score.

Face-to-face Speaking test

  • list?.image?.titleSpeak with a human examiner in the IELTS Speaking test, in a private and quiet room, so you can focus more.
  • list?.image?.titleYour examiner can slow down, repeat and clarify questions, and won’t ‘time out’ on you.